Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Strong Increase In Euronext Revenues During The 3rd Quarter 2002 : +11.9%

Date 13/11/2002

Euronext NV registers this quarter another strong progress of its revenues. These amount to € 253.5 mio in Q3 2002 against € 226.5 mio for the same period in 2001. This 11.9% revenues growth year-on-year, is linked to the strong volatility observed on the markets during the quarter, leading to a strong activity both on the cash and the derivatives markets.

(in € 1,000) 3rd quarter (unaudited % change 2002 // 2001
  2001 2002  
   (pro-forma) (1)    
Cash trading          44 666   51 488   +15.3%
Listing fees          11 268   7 484   -33.6%
Derivatives trading          64 164    76 415  +19.1%
Clearing          41 797        50 285   +20.3%
Settlement and custody (2)           5 889   6 028 +2.4%
Information services (2)          25 047   21 459  -14.3%
Sales of developed software/solutions 31 827   37 300  +17.2%
Other income           1 808         3 014   +66.7%
TOTAL        226 466    253 473   +11.9%

(1)Both years include Liffe and BVLP revenues

(2)Scope of consolidation change for both years: Do not include Necigef and La Cote Bleue - see business analysis note

Business Analysis

Cash trading

The business generated a strong revenues growth of 15.3 % compared to the 3rd quarter 2001.

The number of trades recorded during the quarter progressed by more than 30 % yoy; but two effects impacted negatively the revenues of the business:

  • The observed increase of activity induced a decrease of the average price per trade by 5.6%;
  • The end of invoicing the messages and modules following the implementation of NSC in Amsterdam on October 29th, 2001 impacted the quarterly revenues by € 2 mio.
Listing fees

The still uncertain market conditions did not encourage companies to go public. Therefore, revenues decreased this quarter by 33.6 % yoy. Realised revenues consist mainly of recurring listing fees. So far no improvement to be expected before 2003.

Derivatives trading

Derivatives markets registered this quarter a remarkable growth of activity with regard to Q3 2001 which was already a historically high quarter. The number of contracts negotiated on the Euronext.liffe derivatives markets increased by more than 10 % compared to Q3 2001. The Euribor contract in the UK increased strongly (+33.1 %) as well as the individual equity options in Amsterdam (+49.3%). Revenues have increased by 19.1 % over the quarter, reaching € 76.4 mio due to a favourable product mix.


The strong increase in volumes cleared on cash trades as well as derivatives have more than offset the decline in the average amount per trade. As a result, revenues have increased by 20.3% to € 50.3mio.

Settlement and custody

Revenues are stable (+2.4%) and in line with our guidelines, amounting € 6 mio on the quarter.

Information services

Revenues from information services are down 14.3% yoy, to € 21.5 mio in line with the rationalisations in the financial industry.

Sales of developed software/solutions

GL Trade performed once again very well this quarter: revenues amount to € 32.6 mio, an increase of 28% compared to Q3 2001. Sales of software to external clients by Euronext.liffe represent € 4.7 mio in Q3, total revenues grow by 17.2%, at € 37.3 mio.

Other Revenues

The increase of other revenues (€ 3 mio over the quarter, an increase of +1.2 mio compared with the same period last year) is mainly linked to the increase of membership and grading fees in London (impact € 0.5 mio).