Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

STOXX Wins Award For Most Innovative Indexes Underlying Exchange-Traded Funds In Europe

Date 27/04/2007

STOXX Ltd., the leading European index provider, today announced that it has been awarded for providing “the most innovative ETF indexes in Europe”. The award is presented by U.S. based and based on votes by 315 institutions worldwide.

The survey was conducted amongst different financial organizations such as asset management companies, brokers, consultants, exchange traded product providers, exchanges, institutional investors, independent financial advisers, and academic researchers.

“This award proves that our indexes meet exactly the constantly expanding needs of index based product providers and investors,” said Lars Hamich, managing director of STOXX Ltd. “With more than 10.000 indexes worldwide – from blue-chip, broad-market, sector, size and style indexes to innovative index concepts based on dividend yield, sustainability and sophisticated investment strategies such as volatility, buywrite, leveraged and short – we are the primary leader in the European index business. We provide underlying indexes for the most diversified choice of exchange-traded funds as well as for a wide range of innovative investment products.”