During the second half of 2001, 46 companies will be included in the Attract40-segment, whereof [of which]16 are new companies. Prior to the end of each half-year period the segments will be changed based on the statistics of the trade. In that way Attract40 and the Most Traded segments will reflect those companies that have been of interest to the investors during the last six months respectively the last year. For example, in the Attract40 segment, the weightings of the IT-companies have been reduced in favour of companies from the Finance and real estate sector.
The Most Traded and Attract40 are indicators for shares with high turnover. Attract40 was launched last year and the companies on the O-list strive to get there. It is positive with the dynamic in the Attract40-segment, says Frank Teneberg, Head of Issuer Sales, Stockholmsbörsen.