Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Stockholmsbörsen - Statistics Report The First Six Months 2002

Date 03/07/2002

  • Total share turnover amounted to SEK 1 574 (2 235) billion, a decrease of 30 per cent.
  • The turnover rate was 124 (139) per cent.
  • The total derivative-trading turnover amounted to 29 158 934 (31 564 563) contracts, a decrease of 8 per cent.
  • The All Share Index, SAX, closed at 182.7 (239.1), representing a fall of - 24 per cent since December 31st, 2001.
  • The number of listed companies amounted to 302 at the end of June (31.12.2001: 305).
  • The number of members amounted to 84 at the end of June (31.12. 2001: 84).
The figures reported above concern the first six months 2002. The comparable figures in brackets pertain to the corresponding period 2001.

Stockholmbörsen's president, Kerstin Hessius, comments: "Although share turnover has declined since the peak year of 2000, the first six months of 2002 have been the fifth best half-year in Stockholmsbörsen's history. We have seen a continued uncertainty in the capital markets worldwide, with a 24-percent decline in Stockholmsbörsen's SAX index (since 31.12. 2001). Despite this development the average turnover and the number of transactions per day during the first six months were higher than in 1999, when the SAX index rose by a record 66 percent. This shows that, in a historical perspective, interest in the stock market remains high. It also shows that Stockholmsbörsen has assumed the role of providing liquidity regardless of the market conditions that prevail, which is also confirmed by a turnover rate that is high in international terms.

I believe that this favorable liquidity has also helped to strengthen our role as the best marketplace for the listing of Swedish-based companies. Despite the current market situation, we have been able to welcome seven new listed companies and five new members to Stockholmsbörsen during the first half of 2002. It is also gratifying to be able to confirm that this level of interest is continuing."

Share Trading

The average share-trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 12 904 (18 167) million, representing a decrease of 29 per cent. The total share turnover amounted to SEK 1 574 (2 235) billion. The average number of closed transactions per business day was 35 568(45 616), implying a decrease of 22 per cent.

The turnover rate was 124 (139) per cent.

The figures reported above concern the first six months 2002. The comparable figures in brackets pertain to the corresponding period 2001.

Derivatives Trading

Average derivative-trading turnover (Swedish share and interest-rate related contracts) amounted to 239 008 (256 622) contracts per day, representing an decrease of 7 per cent. The total derivative-trading turnover amounted to 29 158 934 (31 564 563) contracts. The average number of contracts in share-related derivative products amounted to 215 789(228 762) contracts per day, while the average number of contracts in interest-rate related derivative products amounted to 23 218 (27 860) contracts per day.

The total value of trade in stock options amounted to SEK 100.5 (181.7) million per day. The average price of stock options was SEK 703 (1 285) per contract.

The figures reported above concern the first six months 2002. The comparable figures in brackets pertain to the corresponding period 2001.

Warrants trading

The figures reported concern the first six months 2002. The comparable figures in brackets pertain to the corresponding period 2001.

The average warrants trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 26 482 (63 234) thousand during the first six months. The total warrants trading turnover during the first six months amounted to SEK 3 231 (7 778) million, a decrease of 58%.

The figures reported above concern the first six months 2002. The comparable figures in brackets pertain to the corresponding period 2001.

Index Trends the first six months 2002

The OMX Index fell by 28 per cent and closed at 607.9 (31.12.2001: 846.5). The Benchmark Index closed at 209.2 (31.12.2001: 271.7), implying a fall of 23 per cent. The SX All-Share Index (SAX Index) closed at 182.7 (31.12.2001: 239.1), representing a decrease of 24 per cent.


Stockholmsbörsen has received 5 new members, and 5 memberships have been terminated. As at June 30, 2002 Stockholmsbörsen had 84 (31.12.2001:84) members, of which 33 (31.12.2001: 32) were Swedish, 6 (31.12.2001: 7) were foreign branches in Sweden, and 45 (31.12.2001: 45) were remote members.

Listed Companies

During the first six months 2002, 1 new company was registered on the A-list and 7 new companies were listed on the O-list. 2 companies have been deregistered from the A-list and 9 companies have been re-moved from the O-list. The number of companies listed on Stockholmsbörsen currently amounts to 302 (31.12.2001: 305), of which 69 on the A-list and 233 on the O-list.

The total market value of the companies on the A-list amounts to SEK 1 738 billion, and those on the O-list to SEK 441 billion. The overall total market value thereby amounted to SEK 2 179 billion at the end of June 2002.

The Industrials sector has increased from 18 per cent to 24 per cent in market cap, while Information Tech-nology has decreased from 20 per cent to 8 per cent.