Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Stockholmsbörsen - Report 2002

Date 07/01/2003

  • Total share turnover amounted to SEK 2 702 (3 994) billion.
  • The turnover rate was 122 (134) per cent.
  • The total derivative-trading turnover amounted to 60 920 817 (62 735 817) contracts.
  • The All Share Index, SAX, closed at 149.6 (239.1), representing a fall of - 37 per cent since December 31st, 2001.
  • The number of listed companies amounted to 297 at the end of December (31.12.2001: 305).
  • The number of members amounted to 84 at the end of June (31.12. 2001: 84).
Simon Nathanson, Executive Vice Preesident, Stocholmsbörsen, comments: "The stock market has increased sharply during the past decade. However, the negative trend of share prices on exchanges throughout the world has affected the market adversely in a number of ways, including share turnover. Despite this, turnover in 2002 was higher than in any single year in the 1990s. During the final months of the year the number of contracts also increased substantially, indicating greater interest of private investors. The activity in derivatives trading continued to be substantial and there were a number of records during the year.

Thanks to the distribution network of Swedish and international members that Stockholmsbörsen has built up, the listed companies are reaching investors throughout the world as well as locally. This has strengthened the Swedish stock market and has contributed to the fact that liquidity on Stockholmsbörsen, viewed in an international perspective, is very high, with a turnover rate of 122 percent in 2002.

During the year the Disciplinary Council of Stockholmsbörsen issued judgments on more companies than in the past. Issues involving confidence were the subject of much discussion during the year, which was natural. The Exchange is continuing to work actively to strengthen confidence in the stock market. A new monitoring system, SMARTS, was one of the measures introduced during the year. Increased training programs dealing with the release of information by listed companies, as well as new listing requirements, were also introduced.

During 2002 Stockholmsbörsen took part of developing the Nordic Region through the NOREX alliance. The Oslo Exchange has been using SAXESS since May, with the result that all NOREX exchanges are now using the same system for share trading. In December it was announced that Stockholmsbörsen is entering into a joint venture with the London Stock Exchange to start a new derivatives exchange, EDX London. The cooperation with one of the world's leading exchanges confirms Stockholmsbörsen's substantial expertise in derivatives, as well as OM:s reliable and flexible systems. As a result of the cooperation, operations in the Nordic Region will be strengthened generally, and derivative operations in particular.

During 2003 Stockholmsbörsen will continue its activities to strengthen confidence in the stock market. Among other projects, we are arranging an Exchange seminar with members of the financial community on January 16 to discuss confidence issues. Stockholmsbörsen will also continue its program to strengthen the stock market and improve the efficiency of its services to customers in 2003. This will be done partly through further cooperation with the Nordic exchanges."

Full details of the 2002 report can be accessed by clicking here.