The average share trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 15 244 million during January (January 2001: 20 493), which is a decrease of 26%. The average turnover per business day during the past 12-month period has been SEK 15 516 million. The average number of closed transactions per business day has been 39 316 during January (January 2001: 54 862), which is a decrease of 28 %.
The turnover rate during January was 138 % (January 2001: 141 %).
Derivative trading
Average derivative trading turnover (Swedish share and interest-rate related contracts) amounted during January to 296 579 contracts (January 2001: 272 436) per business day, which is an increase of 8,9 %. The average derivative trading turnover during the past 12-month period has been 253 068 contracts per business day. The average number of contracts in share-related derivative products amounted to 271 403 contracts (January 2001: 243 013) per business day, while the average number of contracts in interest-rate related derivative products amounted to 25 176 contracts (January 2001: 29 423) per business day.
The total value of trade in stock options amounted for January to SEK 143.2 (Jan 2001: 199.3) million per day. During the past 12-month period the total value of trade in stock options amounted to SEK 147.2 million per day.
Index developments
The OMX index decrease during January by 7.6% and closed on 782.0 (28 December 2001: 846.5). The Benchmark index closed on 254.9 as of 31 January (28 December 2001: 271.7), which is an decrease of 6.2%. The SX All-share index (the SAX index) closed on 225.1 (28 December 2001: 239.1), which corresponds to an decrease of 5.8% during the month.
The Consumer Staples Index increased most during the month and closed on 249.3 (28 December 2001: 235.9), which is an increase of 5.7 %. The Information Technology Index decreased during the month and closed on 297.9 (28 December 2001: 355.7), which is an decrease of 16.2 %.
Listed companies
During January, 1 company have been delisted from the A-list and 2 companies have been delisted from the O-list. The number of listed companies on Stockholmsbörsen amounts to 302, of which 69 are listed on the A-list and 233 on the O-list. Total market value for the companies on the A-list amounts to SEK 2 164 billion, and on the O-list to SEK 497 billion. Total market value thereby amounted to SEK 2 661 billion as of 31 January 2001.