Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Stockholm Stock Exchange: Change Of Membership

Date 10/12/2004

eQ Bank Ltd has been admitted as cash and derivatives member of Stockholm Stock Exchange and will commence trading in the trading systems CLICK and SAXESS from Monday 13 December 2004.

Following eQ Bank’s acquisition of the business operations of exchange member Conventum Securities all trading activities of Conventum Securities will be transferred to eQ Bank as of Monday 13 December. Thus Conventum Securities will cease their trading at Stockholm Stock Exchange as of Monday 13 December. eQ Bank will take over Conventum’s SAXESS member identity CVM.

eQ Bank Ltd will use member identity CVM in SAXESS as of December 13th. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken will use KI-identity ”CVI” as account holding institution (KI) for clearing and settlement of trades in SAXESS conducted by eQ Bank Ltd.