Senior Vice President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Miss Sopawadee Lertmanaschai said: "The SET has launched a new service for businesses by establishing this Website, It will contain important data and information on venture capitalists and companies that are not listed on the SET. In fact, it was devised especially to help bring non-listed companies and venture capital firms together. They can do this by becoming members, which will allow them to access this information, and with the added benefit of not having to pay any fees."
"There are presently many companies outside the exchange that have good growth potential, most of them small and medium-sized enterprises. These companies need capital support, marketing expertise, management and production technology and also lack funding sources. This is a very different situation from listed companies that are able to raise capital through the capital markets. Therefore, is an important tool that should meet the needs of business operators as well as those seeking investment opportunities. When these non-listed companies find investment partners, they will become stronger financially and this could assist them in time to develop into leading companies. In the future, they may then consider raising capital on the exchange itself. The Stock Exchange of Thailand is therefore convinced that will become extremely useful to a range of businesses. Consequently, a seminar will be held on the 14th November to present the Website to business operators," Miss Sopawadee said.
The Website has been operating unofficially since the end of October. To date, 17 companies have registered, and 30 registered members are expected by the end of 2001. The Website provides two important types of information, first on the businesses themselves (such as preliminary information and other details on the company) and then information on joint investment companies (such as types of investments made, the size of their capitalization and the sectors in which they have investments, plus company addresses, etc.) Businesses that are interested in using the services of can register by first supplying preliminary information on the form that is available on the Website, and then presenting evidence in support of their registration. For further information or to reserve seats at the seminar, please contact the Issuer Marketing Department on Tel. 0-2229-2030-2.