Mr.Kittiratt Na-Ranong, President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) announced that the SET Board of Governors approved Internet Thailand Public Company Limited (INET) listing on the SET with 122.5 million common shares, and later being increased by another 127.5 million shares, at a par value of 1 baht each totaling 250 million baht. The company met all SET listing qualifications. Of the increasing 127.5 million shares, 110 million will be sold to the public and 17.5 million to INET executives and employees.
"It gives us great pleasure that INET has become the first privatized company to gain a listing following the government's Capital Market Revitalization Scheme, as part of a combined attempt by the private and public sectors to revive the Thai capital markets. This will greatly benefit all investors, as they will have more choices of quality investments. Moreover, privatized companies will also have the chance to raise funds from the public to invest in their future projects and expand their businesses, which will ultimately benefit the economy." Mr.Kittiratt concluded.
INET is the first Internet service provider to provide an access service covering the 76 provinces of Thailand. INET also provides services such as an Internet information center and various other Internet related services. INET plans further investments in future projects. It will sell 110 million common shares to the public from 2 - 7 November 2001. An on-line subscription service will also be available via , and from 9.00 a.m. on 2 November 2001 to 12.00 a.m. on 3 November 2001. Any subscriber who has been allotted INET shares via the Internet must contact the company's underwriter, ABN AMRO Asia Company Limited, to pay for these shares between 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on 4 - 5 November 2001. To call for more details: Tel.0-2285-1666