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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Stock Exchange of Thailand Board Appoints Mr. Vijit As Chairman

Date 25/08/2003

Mr. Kittiratt Na-Ranong, President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand announced that the SET Board of Governors has passed a resolution on Monday, August 25, 2003, to appoint Mr. Vijit Supinit to be the SET Chairman. Mr. Vijit will be replacing Mr. Chavalit Thanachanan, who resigned from the SET board of governors, hence leaving a vacancy for the position. The SET Board has selected a qualified person to be the new SET Chairman and passed a resolution to appoint Mr. Vijit Supinit to serve as the SET Chairman starting August 25, 2003.

Mr. Chavalit Thanachanan disclosed that: "Mr. Vijit is well-equipped with long-time experience in the country's financial circles and has worked closely with the SET during its establishment. Moreover, he has also been involved in the capital markets, hence is regarded as a very qualified SET Chairman."

Mr. Vijit Supinit, after being appointed, said that: "I feel honored and delighted that all the governors have trust in me. I've been involved in laying the ground for the stock market at its inception, while I was working with the Bank of Thailand and have been working since then with the SET's executives. I regard the SET as a vital organization for the country's overall economic system. Serving as the SET Chairman will thus be an opportunity to work with the SET board of governors and executives. I'm dedicating myself to using my utmost capabilities, knowledge and experience to further the SET's development."

Mr. Kittiratt Na-Ranong, the SET President, said that: "It's been an honor to work at the SET with Mr. Chavalit Thanachanan as Chairman during the past two years. He has given me a lot of guidance and moral support that helped advance much of the work that eventually led us to be successful. Chairman Chavalit is a dedicated person and devotes himself to the organization and nation. I believe that if there were no governors available to work nearly full-time as a chairman of the SET, then Mr. Chavalit would definitely be willing to continue serving as the chairman. However, Mr. Chavalit is delighted to be succeeded by a well-qualified governor."

Mr. Kittiratt also added that: "Mr. Vijit Supinit is well accepted by all as a high-caliber person. I respect him and have been acquainted with him for a long time. Though I haven't had a chance to discuss with him the details of our work, he has told me that he's satisfied with the SET's performance, so I believe his main working approach will not be different from his predecessor's. Nevertheless, he may have some new important ideas to accelerate the development of the SET and its reliability amongst all stakeholders."

Mr. Vijit Supinit is 62 years of age. He holds a Master's degree in International and Foreign Economics from Yale University, U.S.A. His past positions include the Bank of Thailand's governor, from October 1, 1990 - July 1, 1996. Mr. Vijit was appointed to the SET board of governors by the SEC board serving a term from August 1, 2003 to July 31, 2005.

Chairmen of the SET have a two-year term in office, which can be extended but for no more than two terms.