Mr. Vicharat Vichit-Vadakarn, SET President, revealed that the Stock Exchange of Thailand had reviewed the calculation procedure for market capitalization, in order to reflect the wealth of all listed securities more accurately and to be more completely in accordance with the international standards used by other leading stock markets. At present, the SET calculation method employs all types of securities except for derivative warrants. However, in the revised calculation method, total market capitalization will comprise all types of securities except for the following two types of securities: derivative warrants and unit trusts. This is because the inclusion of unit trusts results in a repeated calculation of market capitalization. Taking unit trusts out of the calculation will slightly decrease the total market capitalization figure by only 1 %.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand will start using this new calculation method on November 6, 2000, and disseminate the details as noted above: information on the entire market, information classified by company, and information classified by industry, on the SIMS System and the SET Web site (