Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Steyr Motors New In The Scale Segment Of The Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Date 30/10/2024

Since today, Steyr Motors AG (ISIN: AT0000A3FW25) is listed in the Scale segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the growth segment in the Open Market for small and medium-sized companies. The initial price of the share was €15.90. The current share price is available via Börse Frankfurt.

Designated sponsor on Xetra is Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank. The specialist on the trading venue Börse Frankfurt is Wolfgang Steubing.

According to its own information, Steyr Motors specialises in the development and production of high-performance engines for military and civilian situations. The engines of the Austrian company based in Steyr are primarily used in military special vehicles, boats and as auxiliary power units for battle tanks and locomotives.