They are: Richard Schaeffer, Kevin McDonnell, George Gero, Steven Forman, Steven Karvellas, Melvyn Falis, Joseph Cicchetti, and Eric Bolling.
Mr. Steinhause has been the Exchange vice chairman for the past two years and a member of the board since 1992. He joined the Exchange in 1975, working as a floor broker for 15 years and, for the last 12 years as an independent, trading for his own account. Mr. Steinhause currently serves as chairman of the facilities committee, business conduct committee, and equity holders committee and is a member of the compliance review, local advisory, and COMEX governors committee. He received his bachelor of arts degree from the University of Pittsburgh and holds a master of business administration in accounting from St. John's University. Under the terms of the demutualization, the term of office for vice chairman has been changed to a three-year term from a two-year term.
Mr. Schaeffer, treasurer of the New York Mercantile Exchange since 1993, was re-elected as the representative in the futures commission mercahnt category. He has been a member of the board of directors since March 1990 and an executive committee member since 1992. He has been an Exchange member and seat-owner since 1981. He is director of global energy futures for ABN Amro, Inc., and has been a conferring member on behalf of the company and its predecessor, Chicago Corp., since 1987 on all of the New York commodity exchanges. A University of Maryland graduate, Mr. Schaeffer is also is also chairman of the Exchange's finance, clearing house, and margin committees.
McDonnell, who was re-elected to his second term on the board in the local category (Exchange members who trade for their own account), has been a member of the Exchange for more than 18 years, two as a floor broker and the past 16 years trading for his own account. He is a graduate of Fordham University with a bachelor of science degree in accounting and finance
Mr. Falis, who has been a public director of the Exchange for the past year, previously served as general counsel of the Exchange and was a principal author of the heating oil futures contract, the first successful enerfy futures contract in the world. Prior to serving as the Exchange's general counsel, he was commodities and securities counsel for one of the largest futures commission merchants in the world. He also serves as a public member on the board of directors of the Commodity Floor Brokers and Traders Association (CFBTA).
Mr. Gero, who was elected to a three-year term in the trade category, is a senior vice president of investments, first vice president of the futures division, and a president council member of Prudential Securities. Mr. Gero is also a first vice president of Prudential Securities Incorporated. He has been a member of the Exchange since 1966 and has served on the board of directors for 22 years. He is presently the chairman of the Commodity Floor Brokers and Traders Association, which includes members of all of the New York futures exchanges. He also served as a director of the Commodities Exchange Center and is the secretary of Futures and Options for Kids. He was elected to the board of the FINEX and the New York Cotton Exchange in 1995. Commodity Clearing Corp. elected him to its board in 1996. The International Precious Metal Institute elected him a member of its board in 1999. He is a graduate of the New York University School of Commerce.
Mr. Forman was elected to fill the remaining two years in the trade category vacated when J. Robert Collins, Jr., was selected as the president of the Exchange. He is currently the conferring member and deputy managing director-tangible commodities of FIMAT USA, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Societe Generale Group. He began his career as a margin clerk for Shearson Hayden Stone in 1974. Throughout his 28-year career, has served on various Exchange committees and currently serves as a member of the COMEX Division panel on the business conduct committee, as well as a board member of the New York Board of Trade Clearing Corporation. He has also served on many Futures Industry Association operations committees, the board of directors of Futures and Options for Kids, and has been an arbitrator for the National Futures Association since 1992.
Mr. Karvellas, who was elected to his third term in the floor broker category, has been on the Exchange board since 1996, and previously served on the board of governors and executive committee of the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX), prior to the NYMEX/COMEX. The owner of Steven J. Karvellas & Co., he serves as chairman of the natural gas advisory, floor broker advisory, and adjudication committees and has been on the Exchange executive committee since 1998. Mr. Karvellas began his career on the trading floor in 1981 as a clerk, after majoring in finance at the University of Pennsylvania. He became a COMEX member in 1984, and a NYMEX member in 1990.
Mr. Cicchetti, first elected to the board last year in the newly created position of equity owner representative, was re-elected to a three-year term in the same category. He has traded commodities on the Exchange for more than 27 years and is a member of the New York Mercantile Exchange and the New York Board of Trade. He developed the Tradewise Technical System for the education of professional ring traders and brokers, and created "MarketWatch" a technical trading report used by over 400 New York Mercantile Exchange traders daily. He is registered as a commodity trade advisor, a floor broker, and a business information newsletter publisher. He is associated with the largest commodity clearinghouses, affiliated with members of the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange.
Mr. Bolling, who was elected in the at-large category to his first term on the board, has been a member of the Exchange since 1988. He currently owns three seats on the NYMEX Division and is both a seat owner and member of the COMEX Division and the New York Board of Trade. He serves on the Exchange's natural gas advisory and local advisory committees. Mr. Bolling began at the Exchange in 1987, working for Edge Trading. Previously, he worked for Mobil Oil as a marketing representative. His career in the energy industry began after a shoulder injury ended his career with the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1985. He received a bachelor of arts in economics from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, in 1984.