Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Statistics From NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange 2008

Date 02/01/2009

2008 – A historic year

“During a year of unprecedented market turmoil, NASDAQ OMX Nordic stood the test well, continuing to provide reliable and transparent marketplaces. In 2008 we made a number of moves to increase the attractiveness, functionality and liquidity of our Nordic marketplaces. Among other things, we began the transition to a new trading platform, based on INET, the fastest in the industry, which will further improve efficiency, reduce latency and increase throughput. Our new platform will also enable order routing functionality. To provide a better model for handling counterparty risk, we will introduce a central counterparty clearing mechanism for cash equity trading in 2009.”,said Hans-Ole Jochumsen, President NASDAQ OMX Nordic.

Statistics 2008
  • Average number of trades in share trading per day amounted to 218,951 (191,057).
  • Average daily share turnover amounted to EUR 3,657 (5,272) million.
  • The turnover rate was 132 (131) percent.
  • The average daily derivative trading turnover amounted to 660,885 (656,618) contracts.
Highlights 2008
  • The number of trades per day reached an all time high, with 218,951 trades per day during 2008 (2007: 191,057 trades per day), thus +15% compared to 2007.
  • The derivatives trading also reached an all time high in 2008 amounting to 660,885 contracts per day, (2007: 656,618 contracts per day).
  • Stock futures in number of contracts +75%.
  • Index futures in number of contracts +24%.
  • Interest rate derivatives in number of contracts +11%.
  • Number of trades share trading +15%
  • Warrants number of trades + 68%
  • Exchange traded funds number of trades + 217%
  • Number of trades share trading +14%
  • Exchange traded funds number of trades + 78%
  • Number of trades share trading +18%

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