Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Statistics Flash, Federation Of European Securities Exchanges (FESE)

Date 15/12/2006

Up to November 2006, the volume of Equity Trading of European Stock Exchanges was close to 15.5 thousand billion EUR, this means a 31.5% increase compare to one year ago. The equity market capitalisation of FESE Member exchanges has reached record levels close to 11 thousand million EUR, about 18% increase in one year.

ETFs trading volumes were at the end of November already around 47% higher than for the whole year 2005, while Securitised Derivatives were higher by almost 49%.

Bond turnover went up 8.3% during the year to November 2006, and is now close to 9 thousand million EUR.

The number of Derivative contracts traded has increased by 14.4% for equity derivatives and by 13.6% for bond derivatives in the last year.

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