Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Statement On The Decision Of The European Commission Closing The Case Involving EPEX SPOT

Date 05/03/2014

The European Commission closed on 5 March 2014 the antitrust procedure involving EPEX SPOT SE. EPEX SPOT has been subject to an on-site inspection by the Commission in February 2012. This inspection was triggered by alleged anticompetitive outcomes of the cooperation with Nord Pool Spot in the context of the integration of the European energy market by 2014. The Commission has rendered a settlement decision resulting in a fine imposed on EPEX SPOT.

EPEX SPOT has fully cooperated during the entire duration of the procedure with the Commission in order to deliver all information required and acknowledges the decision of the Commission. 

In conformance with the applicable legislation, EPEX SPOT remains fully dedicated to the further integration of the European electricity market, in accordance with the target and timeline of the Commission and in cooperation with all stakeholders involved in achieving the Internal Energy Market. 


The European Power Exchange EPEX SPOT SE operates the power spot markets for Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland (Day-Ahead and Intraday). EPEX SPOT is a European company (Societas Europaea) based in Paris with branches in Leipzig and Vienna. In 2013, 346 TWh were traded on EPEX SPOT’s markets.