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Statement Of SEC Chairman Christopher Cox Regarding Final Report And Recommendations Of Advisory Committee On Smaller Public Companies

Date 25/04/2006

The Advisory Committee’s members and staff have performed an extraordinarily valuable public service in so thoroughly and professionally setting forth the views of America’s smaller public companies. I congratulate the Committee, its co-chairs, and every member for their hard work and valuable advice. The Committee’s Final Report includes a compelling affirmation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the improved corporate governance and accountability the Act provides. The report’s 32 recommendations reflect the culmination of a thoughtful, comprehensive and open process that included more than a dozen public meetings across the country, testimony from 42 expert witnesses, and countless hours of study and deliberation over the past 13 months. The Commission will carefully consider these and other recommendations as we go forward. For now, as we receive this report, the Commission can say with honest appreciation: thank you for a job well done.

Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies Final Report and Recommendations