Société Générale reintroduced in the CAC40 index - Crédit Lyonnais replaces Paribas
Date 02/09/1999
Following August 23rd decision of the Conseil des Marchés Financiers acknowledging the success of BNP's tender offer on PARIBAS and following August 28th decision by the CECEI forbidding BNP to retain 31,8% of Société Générale voting rights, the Expert Commission charged with the administration of ParisBourseSBFSA indices took the following decisions effective September 7.
Société Générale -which had been temporarily suspended on June 22- will be reintroduced in the CAC40 and SBF120 indices.
PARIBAS will be withdrawn from the CAC 40 and replaced by Credit Lyonnais. Crédit Lyonnais was on the list of substitute companies eligible for the CAC40 index released by the Expert Commission on June 18. PARIBAS will be reintroduced in the SBF120 and will continue to belong to the SBF250.