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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Singapore Exchange Ltd To Conduct Feasibility Study On Consolidating Trading And Clearing Systems

Date 07/01/2002

Singapore Exchange Ltd (SGX) today announced that it will be issuing Request for Information (RFI) documents to external vendors, as it examines the feasibility of consolidating its technology operating systems.

The move is part of the broader strategic study currently being undertaken by the exchange to review its technology plan, in support of its strategic vision of creating a fully integrated trading, clearing and settlement facility for both equities and derivatives products.

Mr Thomas Kloet, CEO of SGX said, "This is a first step towards exploring the available options for a technology infrastructure that will consolidate our various clearing and trading platforms. In building the marketplace of tomorrow, we will look at applications that allow us to maximise the synergies of SGX's integrated derivatives and securities markets."