Available 24 hours a day, the service provides CDP direct account holders instant access to their shareholding information and IPO application results. This new phone service complements CDP Internet Access which offers users electronic access to a similar range of information.
In addition, users can retrieve information regarding a particular stock using a 4-digit stock code. The list of stock codes is available in The Business Times, The Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao and CDP's website at www.cdp.com.sg. Information on corporate actions and warrants will also be available via CDP Phone in the last quarter of 2003.
To access their personal shareholdings, account holders would be required to apply for a T-PIN (telephone personal identification number). Application forms can be obtained either through CDP Phone at 6535 7511 or its website. Those without a T-PIN can access general information on CDP or request for application forms for services such as internet access or securities lending to be sent to them via post, email or fax.