A total of 27,571,963 contracts was traded in 2000, the second highest annual trading volume in the Exchange’s history (the record was 27,861,162 contracts set in 1998) This represents a growth of 6.7% over 1999, when 25,863,140 contracts were traded.
2The strong growth is also reflected in our major contracts (as can be seen in the following table) in particular the Singapore Dollar Interest Rate futures contract which registered a 227.37% increase.
S’pore Dollar Interest Rate traded 61,300 contracts in 2000, as opposed to 18,725 contracts in 1999, experiencing growth of 227.37%. MSCI S’pore Stock Index traded 479,486 contracts in 2000, as opposed to 291,527 contracts in 1999, experiencing growth of 64.47%. MSCI Taiwan Stock Index traded 3,390,153 contracts in 2000, as opposed to 2,362,385 contracts in 1999, experiencing growth of 43.51%. Eurodollar traded 10,083,633 contracts in 2000, as opposed to 8,999,879 contracts in 1999, experiencing growth of 12.04%. Euroyen traded 7,149,469 contracts in 2000, as opposed to 6,777,548 contracts in 1999, experiencing growth of 5.49%.
The top three contracts in 2000, in terms of trading volume, were Eurodollar futures, Euroyen futures and Nikkei Stock Index futures which traded 10,083,633, 7,149,469 and 4,484,978 contracts respectively.