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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SIFMA: South Dakota Citizens Wisely Reject Short Selling Initiative

Date 04/11/2008

The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) today congratulated the citizens of South Dakota for rejecting initiated measure #9, which was clearly an attempt by non-state residents to manipulate the local political process for purposes largely unrelated to the state.

"Too often, outsiders have swooped into South Dakota to manipulate local ballot initiatives for purposes largely irrelevant to the needs of local citizens,” said Tim Ryan, president and CEO of SIFMA. “South Dakotans clearly saw through this ploy, and they should be congratulated for their insightfulness. Hopefully this will serve as a lesson to these groups which continue to forum shop - bouncing from Utah to Virginia to Arizona to South Dakota - in repeated, failed efforts to exploit state politics in order to influence rules and regulations clearly within the federal realm.”