Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Main Board Companies Enjoy Performance Increase

Date 01/09/2008

By 30 August 2008, 488 companies listed at the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange disclosed interim report for the first half of 2008. Statistics from the exchange showed that those companies maintained an upward tendency in performance despite negative elements from both domestic and international economy.

Statistics showed those companies achieved business income of 944.12 billion yuan for the H1 of 2008, increased 23.11 percent year on year. And the average business income and profit are 1.94 billion yuan and 155 million yuan respectively. Number of companies suffered from loss reduced from 102 to 96.

Main business of those companies remained steadily growing though some of them affected greatly by the snowstorm and the strong earthquake.

It is noticeable that 13 industries accomplished profiting as a whole for the H1 of 2008. However, as the rocketing cost on petroleum, coal and iron ore, some of them had poor performances.

The digging industry replaced financial insurance industry as the top of the list of industry with best profitability. Its earnings per share reached 0.64 yuan and increment is 71.23 percent. The financial insurance industry ranked No.2 with 0.49 yuan for earnings per share and decrement of 42.88 percent. The top five companies with best profitability aggregately had net profit of 14.03 billion yuan, representing 23.90 percent of total net profit of companies listed at the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Companies’ profit from investment at securities market accounted for a minor percentage of total profit and some of them even suffered loss from investment at securities market due to the sharp fluctuation of the securities market and realty market. Those companies also showed a tendency of increasing dividend bonus for the first half of 2008.

Statistics showed that the weighted average operational cash flow per share of those companies is 0.13 yuan, plummeted 64.86 year on year. Companies are facing pressures from cash receivables and other capital problems.

By 30 August 2008, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has send 19 inquires to those companies. Some of those companies have corrected mistakes in financial indicators, and shareholders information. Companies with any untimely and false information disclosure would be punished by the stock exchange after verification with the securities regulator.