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Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Fintech Center Holds 2020 Closing Report And 2021 Opening Report Meeting

Date 14/05/2021

On May 12, the Securities and Futures Fintech Research and Development Center (Shenzhen) (the “Fintech Center”) established and run by SZSE successfully held the 2020 Closing Report and 2021 Opening Report Meeting. The meeting strictly implemented the requirements of regular pandemic prevention and control and was held in the combined form of on-the-spot and video conferencing. Over 400 people attended the meeting, including relevant leaders of the Technology Regulation Bureau under the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) and SZSE, as well as consultants of the Fintech Center, leaders of research teams and technicians from industry institutions.


The meeting reported the recent work progress of the Fintech Center and listened to the report on the progress of the “industrial chain graph” collaborative project of SZSE. It shared the results of some excellent projects in 2020 and gave out awards to excellent projects in 2020. In addition, it presented the research ideas, expected results and schedule of some projects approved in 2021. Experts attending the meeting spoke highly of the Fintech Center’s research work in 2020 and put forward opinions and suggestions on how to do better in the next step. On May 13, the Fintech Center continued to carry out the online sharing and exchange activity of excellent research results in 2020.


Relevant official of the CSRC Technology Regulation Bureau said that at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Working Conference, the importance of technological innovation and strengthening science and technology has been emphasized, and that the CPC CSRC Committee has attached great importance to innovation in Fintech and the digital development of the industry and has stated many times that it’s necessary to improve data governance, enhance technological capability, cultivate technology thinking, and strengthen regulation of technologies. The CSRC Technology Regulation Bureau has supported the development of the Fintech Center as always. It has fully promoted the development of key projects that are interesting, useful and effective, and standardized and implemented regulation of technological innovation in the capital market as well as industrial technologies. It also urged the Fintech Center to give better play to its role as a platform, facilitate exchange and sharing of prospective and critical research results about Fintech, and improve the collaborative innovation capability, thus empowering the technological progress and innovation-oriented development of the industry.

Relevant official of SZSE said that openness, integration and sharing are the development trends of the financial ecosystem. The Fintech Center obtained fruitful research results in 2020 and set records in both the number of applications and that of approved projects in 2021. The industry collaborative research program has achieved initial results, and the research results demonstration platform has been completed. Taking it as our mission to build ourselves into a quality innovation capital center and world-class exchange, we will continue to leverage the role as the technological innovation platform of the industry and the advantage of gathering resources. We will strengthen communication and cooperation with market participants to jointly explore new technologies and share new resources, to build a new Fintech ecosystem.


The Fintech Center is a public research platform approved by the CSRC, which focuses on Fintech innovation and development. Over the past three years since its establishment, the Fintech Center has run steadily and made remarkable achievements. It has actively organized innovation and research projects and promoted the application of innovation results. A total of 217 projects have been approved, of which 37 was named excellent projects. It has further improved the industry’s application capability of technological innovations, motivated the industry to innovate, and explored a feasible path for Fintech innovation and development for the industry. Since the 2021 project solicitation was launched in February 2021, institutions in the industry have responded actively. A total of 71 projects have been approved, covering such fields as data governance, intelligent regulation, risk monitoring, entity profile, intelligent service and key technology algorithms.