Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Share Trading In Copenhagen Outstrips All-Time High From 2004

Date 16/09/2005

Yesterday, share trading on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange reached DKK 597 billion, thus surpassing the all-time high set in 2004 of DKK 593 billion for the entire year. The number of share transactions was also at its highest ever at 2.62 million transactions up from 2.52 million transactions concluded last year.

Trades concluded via the trading system also reached an all-time high with 1.74 million transactions against 1.71 transactions last year.

At 14:00 today, the value of the KFX Index was 377.96, and it is thus likely that it will close at an all-time high. The KFX Index was at its highest on 19 August 2005 at 377.23. Since the turn of the year, the KFX Index has advanced 32 percent and 38 percent over the last 12 months.