Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SGX To Provide Enhanced Electronic Trading Facilities At New Global Electronic Trading Centre

Date 22/08/2002

Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX) today announced that it will provide enhanced facilities for derivatives trading at the new Global Electronic Trading Centre (GETC). Located at SGX Centre, this facility will provide SGX Derivatives Trading (SGX-DT) Individual Members (Locals) direct access to the exchange's derivatives market and approved overseas markets via order-routing services, subject to approval from their SGX-DT Clearing Members. This will enable them to trade other derivatives and securities instruments - all from one location and through one platform.

SGX currently provides its Locals with access to its electronic derivatives market via its Electronic Trading System (SGX ETS) terminals located at OUB Centre and Peninsula Plaza. The SGX GETC will have significant enhancements, including the provision of:

  • Access, via order routing, to approved foreign derivatives and stock markets;
  • Round-the-Clock operations, including late afternoon and evening sessions available for traders who wish to specifically trade into the European and/or US markets;
  • A choice of using either a GLWIN SGX ETS trading workstation, a Patsystems SGX ETS trading workstation or a Corporate Member firm's proprietary order-routing services; and
  • Internet-ready trading desks, equipped with 4 LCD monitor screens.
These new features will be in addition to the current facilities such as electronic wallboards with real-time news and market prices, uninterrupted emergency power supply as well as television services.

SGX CEO, Thomas Kloet, said, "The GETC will provide our members with enhanced trading opportunities, convenience and cost efficiency. Traders using the facility will enjoy the convenience of one-stop access to global markets, as well as the favourable tax arrangements for all SGX Members trading global markets from Singapore. We hope that the new facility will attract new liquidity providers to our markets. "

The Exchange expects to commence trading operations at the GETC on 28 October 2002. Trading access to the various overseas markets will be progressively introduced, based on traders' demand. The current SGX ETS Trading Rooms at the OUB Centre and Peninsula Plaza will be closed when the GETC commences trading operations. Initially, the Exchange will set up 108 trading desks at the new GETC for its Locals. All existing SGX ETS Locals who have trading workstations at OUB Centre or Peninsula Plaza and who remain registered as SGX ETS Locals when the GETC commences operations will be provided with the newly improved trading desks at the GETC.