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Securities Industry Association Praises Senate For Extending Capital Gains And Dividends Tax Rates

Date 11/05/2006

The Securities Industry Association (SIA) commended the Senate today for passing legislation to extend the current tax rates on long-term capital gains and dividends. Originally set to expire at the end of 2008, today’s action by the Senate extends the15 percent maximum tax rate on capital gains and dividends until 2010.

The lower tax rates, first passed in 2003, have played a vital role in fueling the growth of a strong and vibrant economy. The U.S. economy has created over 5 million jobs and boosted GDP by an average of nearly 4 percent annually, since their passage.

“The lower tax rates on capital gains and dividends have already yielded tremendous economic results, which is why it was imperative that they be extended through 2010,” said Marc Lackritz, president of SIA. “This extension provides investors and businesses more certainty and ensures that the economy’s growth remains on track.”

“This extension is the crown jewel of the tax reforms enacted during the Bush Administration. It has produced over 5 million new jobs and record economic growth,” added Richard Hunt, senior vice president, federal policy. “This legislation is critical for Americans preparing to retire. With 78 million Baby boomers about to enter retirement, this provision helps ensure that they will be financially prepared.”