"We commend the SEC for seeking comment on this important industry initiative to streamline the pipeline used for handling securities transactions," said John Panchery, SIA's vice president and managing director, systems and technology. "The industry has been working for the past four years on initiatives critical to achieving straight-through-processing. In this effort, the SEC's role is key in implementing regulations to ensure standardization in the processing of trades. SIA's STP Committee will review the proposal and plans to file a comment letter. We look forward to working with the commission to realize a more efficient process for transactions."
The SEC concept release is available at: http://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/33-8398.htm.
Panchery said that SIA formed a STP committee in 1999, and since then has cleared several key milestones. The achievements in 2003 included:
- Institutional trade processing and matching utility user requirements (establish baseline expectations for U.S. matching providers);
- A "code of practice" also was created to outline the benefits of matched affirmed confirmations and conformance guidelines;
- The Automatic Recall Management System (ARMS) went "live," automating a former manually intensive telephone and fax process for securities lending recalls;
- Corporate actions saw gains in the development of liability notification hub business requirements and the standardization of data for corporate actions announcements (i.e., stock splits, voting materials, etc); and,
- Development of a "how to" guide for industry professionals, and a "toolkit" to educate retail clients on the benefits of eliminating the use of stock certificates.
More information about SIA's efforts is available at: www.sia.com/stp/.