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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SEC Notice For EDGAR Filers Re: Northeast Power Outage Filing Problems

Date 15/08/2003

Many companies were required to file reports or other filings, including those under Sections 13 or 16 of the Exchange Act, on August 14, 2003 or August 15, 2003. We recognize that due to the power outage in the northeast United States and portions of Canada, many filers were unable to submit their filings to us. As power is restored, companies should file or furnish their reports as promptly as possible - which we assume will be today, Friday August 15, or by the latest, Monday, August 18, 2003.

The electronic filing rules provide that the staff may adjust the filing date for an electronic filing if the filing was delayed for technical difficulties beyond the filer's control. While a date adjustment is not automatically granted, we will honor requests from companies affected by the power outage in the northeast United States and the affected areas of Canada to adjust filing dates if they were unable to file because of the power outage.

To submit a filing date adjustment, a company or its counsel may send a facsimile to (202) 942-9542. Investment companies and institutional investment managers may send a facsimile to (202) 628-9002. Please provide the following information:

  • the name of the company, the CIK, and the form type of the filing;
  • the accession number for the accepted late filing;
  • the reason the date adjustment is required (e.g. power outage in LOCATION); and
  • the name and telephone number of the person we should contact regarding the request.
We will attempt to advise companies by phone within 2 business days whether the request is granted or if we need further information. When a date adjustment is granted, the correction to the EDGAR system will be made as soon as possible, but may take up to one week or longer.