The conference will be held November 14-15 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel at 1000 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC, and will bring together more than 43 speakers to participate in five panel discussions. The theme of Securities Regulation in the Global Internet Economy was chosen because the rapid development of a global marketplace requires a careful reexamination of the fundamental principles of securities regulation.
SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt, who will address the group as the keynote speaker, said, "In the field of securities law today, there is no more important priority for securities regulators than to address the role of securities regulation in the global marketplace. This conference will play an important role in helping us set our regulatory agenda. We look forward to participating in the proceedings and discussing the important issues and challenges confronting today's capital markets."
David Ruder, Chairman of the Historical Society and a former Chairman of the SEC, said, "We are extremely fortunate to have assembled such an outstanding group of both theorists and practitioners of securities regulation. The conference will offer much that will be worthwhile and thought provoking for attendees from the securities bar, accounting profession and securities industry."
Conference sessions will cover the entire range of Commission responsibilities in the global Internet economy. Speakers at the conference represent a broad spectrum of U.S. and foreign securities regulators, stock market officials, accountants, lawyers, and academics.
Senator Paul Sarbanes, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, and Michel Prada, Chairman of the French Commission des Operations de Bourse, will be the featured luncheon speakers. Panelists will include Edmund Jenkins of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, Richard Ketchum of the National Association of Securities Dealers, and senior officials of foreign regulatory agencies in Europe, Asia and South America. A complete list of the speakers is attached, and the entire agenda and registration form are available on the Commission's website at For additional information, please contact R. A. Pete Wentz, Associate Dean, Northwestern University School of Law at (312) 503-1828.
The Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society was founded in 1999. It works to preserve the history of the SEC, to sponsor research and educational programs regarding the SEC, and to enhance understanding of United States and world capital markets.