Yesterday, Chair Gary Gensler and Investor Advocate Rick Fleming hosted a roundtable discussion with the students and faculty of the University of Texas at Arlington's Department of Finance and Real Estate. Students presented on diversity and disclosure in investment management and Crypto-ETFs. This was the latest in a series of University Roundtables hosted by the Office of the Investor Advocate to gain the perspectives of young investors and future investors regarding emerging issues in the financial markets.
The University Roundtables provide opportunities for university students to present their ideas to the SEC Commissioners, the Investor Advocate, and other SEC staff on financial topics of interest to them. Students prepare for their presentations as an academic development exercise – planning the subject matter, developing content, conducting research, drafting supporting materials, and preparing for public speaking. University faculty serve as advisors to the students, providing guidance and help in coordinating relevant curriculum objectives.
"These roundtables are valuable opportunities to obtain diverse input from university communities across the U.S., especially as it relates to student investors, investing trends among university-aged individuals, and emerging topics that are material in the decision making processes of university populations," said SEC Investor Advocate Fleming.
Earlier sessions have included the University of Chicago's School of Law and the Center for Law and Finance, Seton Hall University's Stillman School of Business, the University of San Diego's School of Law, and Yeshiva University's Cardozo School of Law. Covered topics have included cryptocurrencies, ESG, gamification, SPACs, and more.
The Investor Advocate will next host a Retail, Restaurant, and Field Workers Roundtable on Aug. 25, 2021, at 3 p.m. ET to examine the appeal of cryptocurrencies, the emergence of recreational investing and gamification, and the impact of COVID as it relates to individuals’ financial futures.
The Office of the Investor Advocate supports the SEC by, among other things, providing a voice for investors, assisting retail investors, studying investor behavior, and facilitating the SEC's Investor Advisory Committee.