ACER is hosting a webinar to present the key findings of its first Market Monitoring Report (MMR) on the European hydrogen markets.
When and where?
Tuesday, 3 December, 10:00 – 11:00 CET, online
Why should you join the event?
In this webinar, ACER will:
- Present the main findings of its first hydrogen MMR (which will be published on 13 November 2024).
- Discuss key challenges and solutions with experts from the European Commission, network operators, and industry.
- Answer stakeholders’ questions.
What is the report about?
This MMR:
- Takes stock of the latest developments and sheds light on the main regulatory challenges facing the growth of the hydrogen markets at EU and national level.
- Provides an overview of the status of the hydrogen markets in the EU.
- Discusses key issues like repurposing gas networks and interactions of the hydrogen market with the electricity sector.
- Provides recommendations to European and national policymakers on how to foster the development of hydrogen markets.