Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Russian Trading System: Equities And Bonds Trading In July

Date 02/08/2002

On July 2002 RTS trades in equities totaled 408.5 million USD, up 7.6% from June's 379.7 million USD.

RTS Guaranteed trading system trade turnover reached 1.16 million USD compared to 1.43 million USD last month. Daily average turnover was down from 75 to 50 thousand dollars.

The turnover in the RTS Bonds, the system that facilitates trading in corporate, government, municipal debts, and Eurobonds, in July totaled 108.3 million USD, down from 109.3 million USD in June.

Total RTS spot market turnover in June equaled 516.8 million USD.

On July 31, 2002, the RTS Index closed at 326.23, down 7.9% on June's 353.79.