Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index: 90,886.77 +850.95

Russian Trading System Classic Stock Market: Weekly Data

Date 05/11/2002

For the week of October 28th -November 1st, 2002, the RTS Index posted a 2.44% gain and closed at 357.45. The RTS Technical Index rose 2.33% to 393.26.

The week's top performers include Khabarovskenergo common shares (HBEN) that gained 47.37% and reached $0.014, Chelyabenergo common shares (CHNG) that rose 24.71% increase and closed at $0.0106 and Krasnoyarskenergo (KRNGP) preferred shares that reached $0.0785, up 24.60% on last closing.

The top losers of the week were Slavneft-Megionneftegaz preferred shares (MFGSP) that dropped 11.70% to $4 per share, Slavneft-Megionneftegaz common shares (MFGS) that closed 7.91% down at $8.85, and SIBNEFT common shares (SIBN) that lost 4.08% to close at $1.88.

Total RTS turnover for the week (October 28thth - November 1st) equaled $138.761 million, up from $111.563 million the week before. The Classic RTS market weekly turnover reached $84.816 million, with daily turnover of $16.963 million. The previous week (October 18th-October 25th) showed $70.651 million and $14.130 million, respectively. The average daily volume across the board rose 24.38%.

The list of last week's bestsellers includes RAO UES common shares (EESR) with weekly turnover of $31.459 million shares, LUKOil common shares (LKOH) - $9.847 million, and common shares of "Norilsk Nickel" (GMKN) with weekly turnover of $7.747 million. The share of these securities in the overall turnover amounted to 37.09%, 11.61% and 9.13%, respectively.