Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Russian Trading System Bonds: November Data

Date 03/12/2002

For the month of November total trading volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading of corporate, government, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, reached 5 317 million US dollars, a slight loss over October's 5 647 million dollars. Eurobond trading accounted for 2,382 million or 44.7%, of total monthly volume. In November fixed-income securities traded 31 times compared with 39 times in October.

Two new bond issues - "PROMIF" (19 900 bonds, 100 rubles par) and "Irkutsk Aviation Industrial Association" (750 000 bonds, 1 000 rubles par) - were placed on the RTS Stock Exchange in November.

The RTS Bonds trading system opened up on June 3, 2002. Currently 163 members of the Partnership, including 14 market makers, trade fixed-income securities on the RTS Stock Exchange. Daily RTS Bonds market information is available on the RTS server on the Internet.