6 shares were added to the list of the RTS Index securities on January 1:
- Lenenergo, preferred shares (LSNGP)
- Purneftegas (Rosneft), preferred shares (PFGSP)
- RITEK, common shares (RITK)
- Sverdlovenergo, common shares (SVER)
- Tomsktelecom, common shares (TMTK)
- Tumentelekom, common shares (TUTE)
- Electrosvyaz of Novosibirsk Region, preferred shares (ENCOP)
- Moscow City Telephone, preferred shares (MGTSP)
- Nizhnekamskneftekhim, common shares (NKNC)
- Tumenneftegaz, common shares (TMNG)
- Tumenneftegaz, preferred shares (TMNGP)
a) Securities comprising 1st level Quotation List
# | RTS code | Security name |
1 | AFLT | Aeroflot, common |
2 | EESR | Unified Energy System, common |
3 | EESRP | Unified Energy System, preferred |
4 | LKOH | LUKoil Holdings, common |
5 | MSNG | Mosenergo, common |
6 | RTKM | Rostelecom, common |
7 | SBER | Sberbank RF, common |
8 | TATN | Tatneft, common |
b) Securities comprising 2d level Quotation List
# | RTS code | Security name |
9 | BISV | Bashinformsvyaz, common |
10 | ELRO | Electrosvyaz of Rostov Region, common |
11 | GUMM | Trade House GUM, common |
12 | IRGZ | Irkutskenergo, common |
13 | KUBN | Kubanelectrosvyaz, common |
14 | KUBNP | Kubanelectrosvyaz, preferred |
15 | MGTS | Moscow City Telephone, common |
16 | RTKMP | Rostelecom, preferred |
17 | SBERP | Sberbank RF, preferred |
18 | SIBN | Sibneft, common |
19 | SPTL | St. Petersburg Telephone, common |
20 | SPTLP | St. Petersburg Telephone, preferred |
21 | TZUM | TzUM, Trading House, common |
22 | URSI | Uralsvyazinform, common |
23 | YUKO | YUKOS, common |
c) Securities selected on the basis of expert estimate
# | RTS code | Security name |
24 | AVAZ | Avtovaz, common |
25 | AVAZP | Avtovaz, preferred |
26 | BEGY | Bashkirenergo, common |
27 | CHEP | Chelyabinsk tube work, common |
28 | CHMF | Cherepovets MF Severstal, common |
29 | ENCO | Electrosvyaz of Novosibirsk Region, common |
30 | ESMO | Electrosvyaz of Moscow Region, common |
31 | ESMOP | Electrosvyaz of Moscow Region, preferred |
32 | GAZA | GAZ Auto Plant, common |
33 | GMKN | Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel, common |
34 | HTCM | Khantymanciyskokrtelecom, common |
35 | KMAZ | KamAZ, common |
36 | KRNGP | Krasnoyarskenergo, preferred |
37 | KZBE | Kuzbassenergo, common |
38 | LNTCP | Lensvyaz, preferred |
39 | LSNG | Lenenergo, common |
40 | LSNGP | Lenenergo, preferred |
41 | MFGS | Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, common |
42 | MFGSP | Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, preferred |
43 | NNSI | Svyazinform of Nizhny Novgorod, common |
44 | ORNB | Orenburgneft, common |
45 | PFGS | Purneftegas (Rosneft), common |
46 | PFGSP | Purneftegas (Rosneft), preferred |
47 | PMNG | Permenergo, common |
48 | RITK | RITEK, common |
49 | RTSE | Rostovenergo, common |
50 | SAGO | Samaraenergo, common |
51 | SAGOP | Samaraenergo, preferred |
52 | SARE | Saratovenergo, common |
53 | SKGZ | Sakhalinmorneftegaz (Rosneft), common |
54 | SKGZP | Sakhalinmorneftegaz (Rosneft), preferred |
55 | SNGS | Surgutneftegas, common |
56 | SNGSP | Surgutneftegas, preferred |
57 | SVER | Sverdlovenergo, common |
58 | TATNP | Tatneft, preferred |
59 | TLEN | Tulenergo, common |
60 | TMTK | Tomsktelecom, common |
61 | TUTE | Tumentelekom, common |
62 | UMAS | Uralmash-Industries, common |
63 | URTC | Uraltelecom, common |
Market capitalization of the above list amounts to $52 Bln or 85% of the RTS total capitalization as of November 30, 2001.