Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

RTS Stock Exchange T+O Weekly Trading Results: January 23th – January 27th, 2006

Date 01/02/2006

For the week of January 23th – January 27th, 2006, total trading volume on the RTS T+0 market reached 618 million rubles (750 million rubles for the last week of January 16th – January 20th). Total trading volume in the "second-tier" stock equaled 428,3 million rubles, 69,3% of the total trading volume.

Shares changes hands on the market 2785 times. Market participants traded 95 securities (without "Gazprom"). The most popular "second-tier" stocks were "Transneft" preferred stocks (27,6%) and "NLMK" common stocks (7,6%) and "Savings Bank of the Russian Federation" preferred stocks (5,7%).

The week's top gainers were "Sibneft" common stocks (+34,7%), "Ufaorg synthesis" preferred stocks (+29,45%) and "Uralsib" common stocks (+26,2%). The week's top losers were "Kostromskaya GRES" common stocks (-14,3%), "Aviastar" common stocks (-14,2%) and "CentrTelecom" (-9,55%) common stocks.

The list of the most active traders changes this week compared to the week before: while the first place is still occupied by "Troika Dialog", the second by - "Alor+", and the third is now taken by "Savings Bank of the Russian Federation" (St.Petersbourg).