Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

RTS Stock Exchange - Order-Driven Market: Weekly Market Data

Date 05/04/2004

For the week of March 29th - April 2nd, 2004, the total trading volume of direct and indirect transactions (including REPO transactions) reached 7 946 million rubles. Internet trading accounted for 32%, same as last week. 9 091 transactions were executed.

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Order-Driven Market Indirect Transactions Direct Transactions and REPO transactions Total Trading Volume
Volume, RUR Transactions Volume, RUR Transactions Volume, RUR Transactions
Previous Period 50 683 800 321 95 748 35 524 902 095 4 610 86 208 702 415 100 358
Current Period 101 142 816 681 149 680 40 353 892 086 4 700 141 496 708 767 154 380
Change, % 99,6% 56% 14% 2% 64% 54%

Currently 176 companies - professional market participants - trade on the Order-driven market.

The Order-driven market is the unified RTS and St. Petersburg St. Exchange marketplace where corporate stocks are traded. Market participants can submit directly addressed quotes, or quotes with no particular addressee in mind. Trading is being done via St. Petersburg St. Exchange, clearing - through the RTS Stock Exchange Clearinghouse, settlement - via the RTS Stock Exchange Settlement Chamber. The electronic trading system can be accessed via "Plaza Stocks" workstation or through the Internet-trading gateway. Private investors can trade on the Order-driven market by becoming clients of licensed brokerages/investment houses.