Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

RTS Stock Exchange: Order-Driven Market Weekly Data: December 2nd-December 6th

Date 10/12/2002

For the week of December 2nd - December 6th, 2002, securities traded on the Order-driven market 5 802 times. The total turnover on the unified market of two exchanges equaled 1 763 million rubles, with 144 million shares changing hands (last week posted 2 226 million rubles, 215 million traded shares).

43 directly - addressed trades executed last week accounted for 145 million rubles in total turnover (the previous week showed 42 directly-addressed trades and 172 million rubles).

Last week 23 different issues traded on the Order-driven market, up from 20 issues the week before.

The most active traders on the Order-driven market were: ,ul>

  • Troika Dialog
  • Unified Financial Group (UFG)
  • National Development Bank
  • Alfa-Bank The leaders in Internet trading were:
    • Brokercreditservice
    • UNIASTRUM Bank
    • LAND
    Currently 131 companies - professional market participants- trade on the Order-driven market.

    The Order-driven market is the unified RTS and St. Petersburg St. Exchange marketplace where corporate stocks are traded. Market participants can submit directly addressed quotes, or quotes with no particular addressee in mind. Trading is being done via St. Petersburg St. Exchange, clearing - through the RTS Stock Exchange Clearinghouse, settlement - via the RTS Stock Exchange Settlement Chamber. The electronic trading system can be accessed via "Plaza Stocks" workstation or through the Internet-trading gateway. Private investors can trade on the Order-driven market by becoming clients of licensed brokerages/investment houses.