Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

RTS Stock Exchange Order-Driven Market: December Data

Date 06/01/2003

For the month of December, 2002, the Order-driven market total trading volume rose reached 6 261 million rubles with 573 million shares changing hands (in November these figures equaled 7 955 million and 800 million shares, accordingly). Daily trading volume totaled 298 million rubles, or 27 million shares compared to November's daily trading volume of 40 million shares and 398 million rubles. Shares traded in December 22 6901 times, down from 28 714 times in November.

Directly-addressed trades total volume accounted for 1 241 million rubles compared with 744 million rubles in October. 205 directly-addressed trades were executed in December (153 - in November).

In December 33 different issues traded on the Order-Driven market, up from 32 in October.

Currently 135 companies - professional market participants - trade on the Order-driven market.

The Order-driven market is the unified RTS and St. Petersburg St. Exchange marketplace where corporate stocks are traded. Market participants can submit directly addressed quotes, or quotes with no particular addressee in mind. Trading is being done via St. Petersburg St. Exchange, clearing - through the RTS Stock Exchange Clearinghouse, settlement - via the RTS Stock Exchange Settlement Chamber. The electronic trading system can be accessed via "Plaza Stocks" workstation or through the Internet-trading gateway. Private investors can trade on the Order-driven market by becoming clients of licensed brokerages/investment houses.