This week's top gainers were Kazanorgsintez common shares ( KZOS ) that increased by 47.37% and reached $0.14 per share, Rostelecom common shares ( RTKMP ) that posted a 7.84% gain and closed at $1.72 and Uraltrubostal common shares ( PNTZ ) that reached $8.5, up 6.25% on last closing.
Among the week's top losers were GUM common shares ( GUMM ) that closed 13.70% lower at $3.15 per share, Mosenergo common shares ( MSNG ) that closed 11.35% down at $0.082 and YUKOS ( YUKO ) common shares – 11.28% lower to close at 0.535.
The best selling were LUKOIL common shares ( LKOH ) with total weekly turnover of 21.688 million US dollars, RAO UES of Russia common shares ( EESR ), their trading volume reaching 14.032 million dollars, and Norilsk Nickel common shares ( GMKN ) – 6.385 million US dollars. The share of each security in total trading volume equaled 34.82%, 22.53% and 10.25%, respectively.