Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

RTS Stock Exchange - Classic Market: Weekly Market Data

Date 05/04/2004

For the week of March 29th - April 2nd, 2004, the RTS Index grew by 5.93% points and reached 759.01. The RTS Technical Index closed at 834,60, 6.40% points lower than the previous week's 784.43.

This week's top gainers were Yakutskenergo common shares (YAEN) that jumped 38.46% and reached $0.027 per share, Yarenergo common shares (YARE) that posted a 23.08% gain and closed at $8 and RITEK common shares (RITK) that reached $3.41, up 21.79% on last closing.

Among the week's top losers were Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station preferred shares (VLGSP) that closed 11.11% down at $0,04 per share, Ufaorgsintez common shares (UFOSP) that closed 10.94% down at $0.285 and Kraszny Oktyabr common shares (KROT) that lost 7.89% and closed at $10.5.

The best selling were RAO UES of Russia common shares (EESR) with total weekly turnover of 25,716 million US dollars, YUKOS of Russia common shares (YUKO), their trading volume reaching 24, 755 million dollars, and LUKoil common shares (LKOH) - 22,247 million US dollars. The share of each security in total trading volume equaled 18,18%, 17,50% and 15,73%, respectively.

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RTS Top Performers (volume)
(29.03.04 – 02.04.04)

RTS Ticker Daily Volume, USD Total Turnover Share
EESR 25 715 955 18,18%
YUKO 24 754 891 17,50%
LKOH 22 247 041 15,73%
GMKN 21 625 004 15,29%
SNGS 9 808 130 6,94%

RTS Top Gainers
(29.03.04 - 02.04.04)

RTS Ticker Closing Price, USD Weekly Change, % Trades
YAEN 0,02700 +38,46% 9
YARE 8,0000 +23,08% 9
RITK 3,4100 +21,79% 40
URSI 0,04490 +14,83% 22
YAREP 3,2000 +14,29% 12

RTS Top Losers
(29.03.04 - 02.04.04)

RTS Ticker Closing Price, USD Weekly Change, % Trades
VLGSP 0,04000 -11,11% 2
UFOSP 0,28500 -10,94% 1
KROT 10,500 -7,89% 4
ASRE 0,06500 -6,74% 4
IRGZ 0,21500 -5,7% 5