This week’s top gainers were Chitaenergo common shares (CHIE) that jumped 30.50% and reached $0.0261 per share, YUKOs common shares (YUKO) that posted a 23.57% gain and closed at $8.65 and Nizhnekamskneftekhim common shares (NKNC) that reached $0.47, up 23.52% on last closing.
Among the week’s top losers were Yarnenergo common shares (YAREP) that closed 17.86% down at $2.3 per share, Udmurtenergo common shares (UDME) that closed 14.33% down at $0.275 and Tverenergo common shares (ASRE) that lost 8.55% and closed at $0.0695.
The best selling were RAO UES of Russia common shares (EESR) with total weekly turnover of 51.125 million US dollars, LUKoil common shares (LKOH), their trading volume reaching 35.136 million dollars, and YUKOS common shares (YUKO) – 13.469 million US dollars. The share of each security in total trading volume equaled 38,86%, 26,71% and 10,24%, respectively.