Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

RTS Classic Market Weekly Trading Results, March 20th – March 24th, 2006

Date 30/03/2006

During the week of March 20th – March 24th, 2006, RTS Index gained – 0,38% and reached 1420,25 (1414,92 as of March 17th, 2006). The "second-tier" stock index – RTS-2 – is up by 2,59% to 1686,53 (1643,88 as of March 17th, 2006).

Total trading volume on RTS Classic Market for the week equaled 332,8 million dollars. The best selling stocks that week were "Gazprom" common stock ( GAZP ) with total weekly turnover of $176,991 million, the seconde place keeps "LUKoil" ( LKOH ) common stocks, their weekly trading volume reaching $52,967 million, and "RAO UES of Russia" common stock ( EESR ) - $30,854 million. The share of each security in total trading volume reached 53,87%, 16,12% è 9,39%, accordingly.

The week's top gainers were preferred shares of "Udmurt Energy Retail Company" ( UDSBP ), that went up 42,86 % and reached $0,05, "Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant" ( CHEP ) common shares that posted the 23,5% gain and closed at $2,26 and "Purneftegas (Rosneft)" preferred shares ( PFGSP ) that reached $ 44,4, 14,58 % up on the last closing.

The week's top losers were "YUKOS" ( YUKO ), common shares that closed 16,98% lower at $0,88 per share, "KAMAZ Inc" ( KMAZ ), common shares that closed – 14,71% down at $1,45 and "Orenburgneft" preferred shares ( ORNBP ) that posted the – 7,22% loss at $45.

RTS Classic Market: Weekly Best Sellers
(20.03.06 - 24.03.06)


Ticker Volume Trading,
Share in Total
Market Volume, %
GAZP 176 990 700 53,87%
LKOH 52 967 180 16,12%
EESR 30 854 363 9,39%
TRNFP 13 214 750 4,02%
SBER 8 489 725 2,58%

RTS Classic Market: Weekly Top Gainers
(20.03.06 - 24.03.06)


Ticker Closing price,
Change, % Number
of Trades
UDSBP 0,05000 +42,86% 1
CHEP 2,2600 +23,5% 15
PFGSP 44,400 +14,58% 6
OGKE 0,08400 +14,29% 16
SKGZP 14,120 +12,06% 8

RTS Classic Market: Weekly Top Losers
(20.03.06 - 24.03.06)


Ticker Closing price,
Change, % Number
of Trades
YUKO 0,88000 -16,98% 17
KMAZ 1,4500 -14,71% 9
ORNBP 45,000 -7,22% 2
SNGSP 1,1500 -4,96% 3
ESMOP 0,53750 -4,87% 3