The week's top gainers include Nizhnovenergo common shares (NNGEP) that climbed 14.29% and reached $8, Yakutskenergo common shares (YAEN) that gained 10.58% and closed at $0.007 and Khabarovskenergo preferred shares (HBENP) that reached $0.018, up 10.09% on last closing.
The week's top losers were Kamchatskenergo common shares (KCHE) that ended 34.38% off at $0.0105 per share, "Severstal" Cherepovetsk common shares (CHMF) that lost 4.21% and closed at $57.95, and Uralkaliy common shares (URKA) that lost 2.78% and closed at $0.0525.
Total RTS turnover for the week equaled $152.769 million, up on $128.365 million the previous week. The Classic Market total turnover decreased from $104.255 million to $91.913 million, with daily turnover of $22.978 million. The average daily volume across the board increased by 48.76%.
The list of last week's bestsellers includes RAO UES of Russia common shares (EESR) with weekly total turnover of $14.361 million, YUKOs common shares (YUKO) ($10.514 million in turnover) and LUKOil common shares (LKOH) - $9.512 million. The share of each security in the overall turnover amounted to 21.60%, 15.81% and 14.31%, respectively.