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Rolling Out: Financial Democracy - Across The UK

Date 20/02/2015

The world’s first Venture Funding Hubs, launched today (Monday 23rd Feb) from Committee Room 6 in Parliament, will take financial democracy not to just London but to Manchester and Sheffield and across the north - where the team behind one of the most exciting innovations in funding, is mostly based.  


Venture Funding Hubs, spreading on to towns and cities across the UK, could be the key to fixing the struggling engine room of growth and jobs for the country and especially the regions, towns and cities beyond London according to The Social Foundation, a think-tank established to plot a more open, digital, future economy.

The SME sector, which employs more than 80% of UK workers, is ready for massive expansion - which could revitalise local economies across the country - but 'They lack the funding to do so" since the retreat of the banks according to a recent report and statistics compiled by Boost Capital.

"This only confirms that the need, and the demand, is unprecedented" says Barry James, who co-founded the Social Foundation and is a director of The Crowd Data Center,  who collect data on the emerging crowd economy. "We cannot build them fast enough. We already have towns and cities from the south coast to the far north who want hubs established, as soon as possible, to help democratise finance where they are."


Access to Finance is Critical

As Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has pointed out "access to finance is critical" to the success of the creation of a 'northern powerhouse' in general and TechNorth in particular.


Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg MP, on Venture Funding Hubs:

"I've made clear my own ambition to double the number of tech jobs in the North to help create a stronger economy. To make this happen access to finance is critical, so that we can see start-ups and growth within existing tech businesses. Therefore I'm delighted that the first Venture Funding Hub is being created here in Sheffield as part of an initiative that will span our great northern cities. It will complement the TechNorth initiative I have previously announced and it can play a part in growing a world-class tech cluster. The fact that this was conceived and is led by The Crowdfunding Centre, right here in Sheffield in the heart of TechNorth territory, is particularly welcome.

I would urge investors, big or small, to back this great initiative when the crowdfund goes live. Not only will there be great investment opportunities, but it will be a chance to help our local tech talent create a Northern Tech Hub to rival Berlin, New York, or Shanghai."


A New Golden Age for Smaller Firms - or a Damp Squib?

"Lord Young's report to the Prime Minister, out last week, heralds a new 'Golden Age' for SMEs - but this will only happen if we can find ways to enable them to access the finance they need. Bank lending is not going to do it - it's not coming back" James said.

To help tackle the problem The Social Foundation plan to launch more hubs at the rate of up to one a week, starting mid March with Liverpool, Leicester, Cambridge and Hull already lined up.

These tackle the three key issues identified independently by both The Social Foundation and SMEinsider by connecting 'Local Heroes' with local people, sharing experience of what works now. Signposting the differing forms of finance available - old and new, as well as inspiring and empowering local entrepreneurs.

SMEinsider recently published BoostCapital's infographic bringing together all the key stats and information, which identifies the same key issues identified by The Social Foundation:

·         Awareness - of new sources of funding

·         Expertise - to evaluate them

·         Confidence - in the new and unfamiliar


Source: BoostCapital in SMEinsider's article here

The Social Foundation aim to create an open environment focussed on enabling and empowering entrepreneurs to do what we all need them to be doing: Building our local economies, by signposting, connecting people in new ways and spreading new insights and skills.

"Central to Venture Funding Hubs is bringing people together to learn from one another and together build the local economy, gaining new skills in the process. JMW Solicitors is Manchester based so we're delighted to be involved in pioneering one of the very first hubs right here, helping established businesses and budding entrepreneurs get advice both online and in-person from pioneers and experts in this new field of alternative finance." 

Chris Moss Partner, Head of Corporate at JMW Solicitors LLP

Chris Moss is well known for his work with Channel 4 on Dave Fishwick's 'Bank of Dave' programme about Burnley Savings & Loans


Crowdfunding Venture Funding Hubs - A Taste of the Medicine

The Social Foundation will shortly establish a new social enterprise specifically to facilitate the expansion of the new network of hubs across the UK - as well as the rapid expansion of skills and capabilities in each local area.

To help accelerate and support this they will launch a crowdfund of their own in March. You can see details or pre-register here or go to You can request or join a hub - or become one if the cofounders at