Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Revised Lists Of The Moscow Exchange Indices Announced

Date 04/12/2024

Moscow Exchange announced the results of the quarterly review for MOEX indices. All changes were made upon recommendations from the Index Committee and will be implemented from 20 December 2024. The Exchange has also set free floats and additional weighting factor for several companies.

The MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index will be modified by ordinary shares of IPJSC Headhunter, ordinary shares of PJSC "Sovcombank" and ordinary shares of PJSC "UGC" being added to the Index and depository receipts of Ozon Holdings PLC being excluded from the constituent list of the Index.

The constituent list of the Blue Chip Index will be modified by ordinary shares of PJSC "Moscow Exchange" and ordinary shares of IPJSC Headhunter being added to the constituent list of the Index, while ordinary shares of PJSC "MMK" and ordinary shares of PJSC "Magnit" will be excluded from the Index.

Ordinary shares of PJSC Softline, ordinary shares of PJSC PROMOMED and ordinary shares of PJSC "Rosseti Ural" will be included in the constituent list of the SMID Index, while depository receipts of ETALON GROUP PLC will leave the Index.

Ordinary shares of PJSC "Sovcombank", ordinary shares of "ARENADATA GROUP" PJSC, ordinary shares of PJSC "Ozon Pharmaceuticals", ordinary shares of PJSC "SPB Exchange" and ordinary shares PJSC IVA will be added to the Broad Market Index, while depository receipts of Ozon Holdings PLC and depository receipts of ETALON GROUP PLC will leave the Index.

The sectoral IT Index will be modified by ordinary shares of "ARENADATA GROUP" PJSC and ordinary shares of PJSC IVA being added to the constituent list of the Index and depository receipts of Ozon Holdings PLC being excluded from the Index.

Ordinary shares of PJSC "Ozon Pharmaceuticals" will be included in the sectoral Consumer Index.

Ordinary shares of PJSC "Sovcombank" and ordinary shares PJSC "SPB Exchange" will be included in the sectoral Financials Index.

Depository receipts of ETALON GROUP PLC will leave the sectoral Real Estate Index.

The following shares will be under consideration to be added to the MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index: ordinary shares of PJSC "SFI", ordinary shares of MD Medical Group IPJSC, ordinary shares of Renaissance Insurance Group PJSC and ordinary shares of PJSC "RussNeft".

Ordinary shares of PJSC "Magnit", ordinary shares of PJSC "LC "Europlan", ordinary shares of PJSC "Samolet Group" and preferred shares of PJSC "Mechel" will be under consideration to be excluded from the MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index.

Summary table of key changes in the Moscow Exchange Indices' Constituents Lists

Index Included Excluded  
MOEX Russia Index and RTS Index IPJSC Headhunter, ordinary shares
PJSC "Sovcombank", ordinary shares
PJSC "UGC", ordinary shares
Ozon Holdings PLC, depository receipts  
Broad Market Index PJSC "Sovcombank", ordinary shares
"ARENADATA GROUP" PJSC, ordinary shares
PJSC "Ozon Pharmaceuticals", ordinary shares
PJSC "SPB Exchange", ordinary shares
PJSC IVA, ordinary shares
Ozon Holdings PLC, depository receipts
ETALON GROUP PLC, depository receipts
Blue Chip Index PJSC "Moscow Exchange", ordinary shares
IPJSC Headhunter, ordinary shares
PJSC "MMK", ordinary shares
PJSC "Magnit", ordinary shares
SMID Index PJSC Softline, ordinary shares
PJSC PROMOMED, ordinary shares
PJSC "Rosseti Ural", ordinary shares
ETALON GROUP PLC, depository receipts  
IT Index "ARENADATA GROUP" PJSC, ordinary shares
PJSC IVA, ordinary shares
Ozon Holdings PLC, depository receipts  
Consumer Index PJSC "Ozon Pharmaceuticals", ordinary shares -  
Financials Index PJSC "Sovcombank", ordinary shares
PJSC "SPB Exchange", ordinary shares
Real Estate Index - ETALON GROUP PLC, depository receipts  
MOEX 10 Index PJSC "Mechel", ordinary shares
IPJSC YANDEX, ordinary shares
PJSC "MMC "NORILSK NICKEL", ordinary shares
Ozon Holdings PLC, depository receipts
PJSC "Aeroflot", ordinary shares
PJSC "Surgutneftegas", preferred shares
Equity Subindex (EPSI) IPJSC Headhunter, ordinary shares
PJSC "Sovcombank", ordinary shares
PJSC "Mechel", ordinary shares
PJSC "MOSENERGO", ordinary shares

Summary table of changes in number of shares employed in the calculation of the Moscow Exchange Indices and included in the waiting lists, as well as free-float coefficients

Ticker Issuer Current number of shares New number of shares Current free-float New free-float
ABIO PJSC "Artgen", ordinary shares 92 645 451 92 645 451 16% 18%
AQUA PJSC "INARCTICA", ordinary shares 87 876 649 87 876 649 18% 20%
DATA ARENADATA GROUP" PJSC, ordinary shares 209 160 464 209 160 464 - 13%
EUTR PJSC "EvroTrans", ordinary shares 159 148 665 159 148 665 22% 24%
IVAT PJSC IVA, ordinary shares 100 000 000 100 000 000 12% 11%
LMBZ "Lambumiz" PJSC, ordinary shares 20 752 219 20 752 219 - 10%
MDMG MD Medical Group IPJSC, ordinary shares 75 125 010 75 125 010 32% 27%
MOEX PJSC "Moscow Exchange", ordinary shares 2 276 401 458 2 276 401 458 65% 64%
NKHP PJSC "Novorossiysk Grain Plant", ordinary shares 67 597 000 67 597 000 14% 13%
NSVZ PJSC "Nauka-Telecom", ordinary shares 15 701 562 15 701 562 4% 5%
OGKB JSC "OGK-2", ordinary shares 110 441 160 870 136 207 331 098 19% 15%
OZPH PJSC "Ozon Pharmaceuticals", ordinary shares 1 098 571 440 1 098 571 440 - 10%
POSI PJSC "Positive Group", ordinary shares 66 000 000 66 000 000 21% 23%
PRMD PJSC PROMOMED, ordinary shares 200 000 000 212 500 000 7% 7%
RKKE RSC Energia, ordinary shares 1 807 401 1 811 073 5% 5%
RNFT PJSC "RussNeft", ordinary shares 294 120 000 294 120 000 26% 28%
SOFL PJSC Softline, ordinary shares 324 000 000 400 002 000 16% 16%
ZAYM Zaymer PJSC, ordinary shares 100 000 000 100 000 000 15% 14%

From 20 December 2024, the following shares will be under consideration:

Under consideration to be added to Moscow Exchange indices:

Ticker Issuer Index
ABIO PJSC "Artgen", ordinary shares Broad Market Index
CARM STG PJSC, ordinary shares
FIXP Fix Price Group Ltd, DR
MRKY Rosseti South PJSC, ordinary shares
MRKZ Rosseti North-West PJSC, ordinary shares
NKNC PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, ordinary shares
PMSBP PJSC "PESC", preferred shares
RKKE RSC Energia, ordinary shares
TTLK Tattelecom PJSC, ordinary shares
MDMG MD Medical Group IPJSC, ordinary shares MOEX Russia Index RTS Index
RENI Renaissance Insurance Group PJSC, ordinary shares
RNFT PJSC "RussNeft", ordinary shares
SFIN PJSC "SFI", ordinary shares

Under consideration to be excluded from Moscow Exchange indices:

Ticker Issuer Index
LEAS PJSC "LC "Europlan", ordinary shares MOEX Russia Index
RTS Index
MGNT PJSC "Magnit", ordinary shares
MTLRP PJSC "Mechel", preferred shares
SMLT PJSC "Samolet Group", ordinary shares

For information regarding the lists of stocks employed in the Moscow Exchange Indices as well as the lists of securities employed in the Multi-Assets Indices of Moscow Exchange, please, follow the link.

Read more on the Moscow Exchange: