Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Revised Lists Of The Moscow Exchange Indices Announced

Date 29/11/2024

Today Moscow Exchange announced the results of the quarterly review for MOEX indices. All changes were made upon recommendations from the Index Committee and will be implemented from 20 December 2024. The Exchange has also set free floats and additional weighting factor for several companies.

The MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index will be modified by ordinary shares of IPJSC Headhunter, ordinary shares of PJSC "Sovcombank" and ordinary shares of PJSC "UGC" being added to the Index and depository receipts of Ozon Holdings PLC being excluded from the constituent list of the Index.

The constituent list of the Blue Chip Index will be modified by ordinary shares of PJSC "Moscow Exchange" and ordinary shares of IPJSC Headhunter being added to the constituent list of the Index, while ordinary shares of PJSC "MMK" and ordinary shares of PJSC "Magnit" will be excluded from the Index.

Ordinary shares of PJSC Softline, ordinary shares of PJSC PROMOMED and ordinary shares of PJSC "Rosseti Ural" will be included in the constituent list of the SMID Index, while depository receipts of ETALON GROUP PLC will leave the Index.

Ordinary shares of PJSC "Sovcombank", ordinary shares of "ARENADATA GROUP" PJSC, ordinary shares of PJSC "Ozon Pharmaceuticals", ordinary shares of PJSC "SPB Exchange" and ordinary shares PJSC IVA will be added to the Broad Market Index, while depository receipts of Ozon Holdings PLC and depository receipts of ETALON GROUP PLC will leave the Index.

The sectoral IT Index will be modified by ordinary shares of "ARENADATA GROUP" PJSC and ordinary shares of PJSC IVA being added to the constituent list of the Index and depository receipts of Ozon Holdings PLC being excluded from the Index.

Ordinary shares of PJSC "Ozon Pharmaceuticals" will be included in the sectoral Consumer Index.

Ordinary shares of PJSC "Sovcombank" and ordinary shares PJSC "SPB Exchange" will be included in the sectoral Financials Index.

Depository receipts of ETALON GROUP PLC will leave the sectoral Real Estate Index.

The following shares will be under consideration to be added to the MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index: ordinary shares of PJSC "SFI", ordinary shares of MD Medical Group IPJSC, ordinary shares of Renaissance Insurance Group PJSC and ordinary shares of PJSC "RussNeft".
Ordinary shares of PJSC "Magnit", ordinary shares of PJSC "LC "Europlan", ordinary shares of PJSC "Samolet Group" and preferred shares of PJSC "Mechel" will be under consideration to be excluded from the MOEX Russia Index and the RTS Index.

The Exchange has set the following free floats coefficients:

Ticker Name New free-float
ABIO PJSC "Artgen", Ordinary shares 18%
AQUA PJSC "INARCTICA", Ordinary shares 20%
DATA ARENADATA GROUP" PJSC, Ordinary shares 13%
EUTR PJSC "EvroTrans", Ordinary shares 24%
IVAT PJSC IVA, Ordinary shares 11%
LMBZ "Lambumiz" PJSC, Ordinary shares 10%
MDMG MD Medical Group IPJSC, Ordinary shares 27%
MOEX PJSC "Moscow Exchange", Ordinary shares 64%
NKHP PJSC "Novorossiysk Grain Plant", Ordinary shares 13%
NSVZ PJSC "Nauka-Telecom", Ordinary shares 5%
OGKB JSC "OGK-2", Ordinary shares 15%
OZPH PJSC "Ozon Pharmaceuticals", Ordinary shares 10%
POSI PJSC "Positive Group", Ordinary shares 23%
RNFT PJSC "RussNeft", Ordinary shares 28%
ZAYM Zaymer PJSC, Ordinary shares 14%


New values of additional weighting factor LW for several companies are available here.

Read more on the Moscow Exchange: