The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) announces the results of the semi-annual SET index review for SET50, SET50FF*, SET100, SET100FF*, sSET, SETCLMV, SETHD SETESG and SETWB indices for the period of the first half of 2025 (January 1 - June 30, 2025) as follows:
- SET50/ SET50FF: four securities consisting of Banpu Pcl (BANPU), Cal-Comp Electronics (Thailand) Pcl (CCET), COM7 Pcl (COM7), Srisawad Corporation Pcl (SAWAD) will be added as index constituents.
- SET100/ SET100FF: four securities consisting of Cal-Comp Electronics (Thailand) Pcl (CCET), Thai Coconut Pcl (COCOCO), Jasmine Technology Solution Pcl (JTS), Praram 9 Hospital Pcl (PR9) will be added as index constituents.
- sSET: 20 securities consisting of Asset Five Group Pcl (A5), Advice IT Infinite Pcl (ADVICE), BBGI Pcl (BBGI), Beyond Securities Pcl (BYD), Eastern Polymer Group Pcl (EPG), Forth Corporation Pcl (FORTH), GFPT Pcl (GFPT), Master Style Pcl (MASTER), Moshi Moshi Retail Corporation Pcl (MOSHI), NEO Corporate Pcl (NEO), Origin Property Pcl (ORI), Premier Marketing Pcl (PM), Premier Technology Pcl (PT), R&B Food Supply Pcl (RBF), Samart Telcoms Pcl (SAMTEL), SCG Decor Pcl (SCGD), Srinanaporn Marketing Pcl (SNNP), Siam Wellness Group Pcl (SPA), Stecon Group Pcl (STECON), Thai Reinsurance Pcl (THRE) will be added as index constituents.
- SETCLMV: one security consisting of Siam City Cement Pcl (SCCC) will be added as index constituent.
- SETHD: no new securities will be added for this review.
- SETESG: 22 securities consisting of Asia Sermkij Leasing Pcl (ASK), BBGI Pcl (BBGI), Betagro Pcl (BTG), Delta Electronics (Thailand) Pcl (DELTA), Ditto (Thailand) Pcl (DITTO), Jaymart Group Holdings Pcl (JMART), JMT Network Services Pcl (JMT), KCE Electronics Pcl (KCE), KCG Corporation Pcl (KCG), MBK Pcl (MBK), Moshi Moshi Retail Corporation Pcl (MOSHI), Pruksa Holding Pcl (PSH), Siam City Cement Pcl (SCCC), SCG Decor Pcl (SCGD), SG Capital Pcl (SGC), Sahamitr Pressure Container Pcl (SMPC), Srinanaporn Marketing Pcl (SNNP), Sermsang Power Corporation Pcl (SSP), Tipco Asphalt Pcl (TASCO), Thai Life Insurance Pcl (TLI), Thai Union Group Pcl (TU), Srivichaivejvivat Pcl (VIH) will be added as index constituents.
- SETWB: two securities consisting of Prima Marine Pcl (PRM), Thai Vegetable Oil Pcl (TVO) will be added as index constituents.
The SET index series are reviewed semi-annually according to the SET Index Methodology guidelines. For the review of this round, the data from the dates of December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024 are considered for the indices calculations.
For more details on the constituents, selection criteria, and index methodology, please visit
* FF Index or Free Float Adjusted Market Capitalization Weighted Index is the index that calculates the constituents’ weight by considering both market capitalization and free float of each listed securities.