Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Removal Of Ontex From Euronext Brussels Indices

Date 03/03/2003

Following the take-over-bid by the Company ONV Holdco (Candover), the Ontex share (Isincode BE0003744589) will be removed from the following indices on 2003/03/03 after close following art. 1.4.c. of the BAS indexrules:
  • BAS price index: (Isincode BE0389549941)
  • BAS return index: (Isincode BE0389550956)
  • Belgian Continuous return index: (Isincode BE0389551962 and BE0389552978)
  • Mid Cap return index: (Isincode BE0389561094)
  • Non-Cyclical Consumer Goods return index: (Isincode BE0389613614)